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	* An Excel GUI for executing Powershell Commands? Why not. Practice is practice.
	* Need to add Reference to Windows Script Host Object Model

	Option Explicit

	Private Sub buttonReplaceStringInFileName_Click()
		Dim workSheetDashBoard As Worksheet
		Dim dataPacket As DataPacketInterfaceToFunction
		Dim interfaceField As OLEObject
		Set workSheetDashBoard = Me
		Set interfaceField = workSheetDashBoard.OLEObjects("ButtonSearchScope1")
		If interfaceField.Object.Value = True Then
			dataPacket.SearchScope = SingleDirectory
		End If
		Set interfaceField = workSheetDashBoard.OLEObjects("ButtonSearchScope2")
		If interfaceField.Object.Value = True Then
			dataPacket.SearchScope = DirectoryAndSubDirectories
		End If
		Set interfaceField = workSheetDashBoard.OLEObjects("UserInputFilePath")
		dataPacket.FilePath = interfaceField.Object.Value
		Set interfaceField = workSheetDashBoard.OLEObjects("UserInputStringOld")
		dataPacket.StringOld = interfaceField.Object.Value
		Set interfaceField = workSheetDashBoard.OLEObjects("UserInputStringNew")
		dataPacket.StringNew = interfaceField.Object.Value
		PowerShellCommands.findAndReplaceStringInFileName dataPacket
	End Sub


	Option Explicit

	Public Type DataPacketInterfaceToFunction
		SearchScope As SearchScope
		FilePath As String
		StringOld As String
		StringNew As String
	End Type

	Enum SearchScope
		SingleDirectory = 1
		DirectoryAndSubDirectories = 2
	End Enum

	Public Sub findAndReplaceStringInFileName(ByRef dataPacket As DataPacketInterfaceToFunction)
		Dim shell As WshShell
		Dim shellExec As WshExec
		Dim strCommand As String

		If dataPacket.SearchScope = SingleDirectory Then
			strCommand = "Powershell $FilesInPathway = get-childitem -path " & "'" & dataPacket.FilePath & _
						"'" & " -attributes !directory; foreach ($file in $FilesInPathway)" & _
						"{$tempName = $file.name; $tempName = $tempName.replace('" & _
						dataPacket.StringOld & "','" & dataPacket.StringNew & _
						"'); Rename-Item $file.fullname $tempName}"
		End If
		If dataPacket.SearchScope = DirectoryAndSubDirectories Then
			strCommand = "Powershell $FilesInPathway = get-childitem -path " & "'" & dataPacket.FilePath & _
						"'" & " -recurse -attributes !directory; foreach ($file in $FilesInPathway)" & _
						"{$tempName = $file.name; $tempName = $tempName.replace('" & _
						dataPacket.StringOld & "','" & dataPacket.StringNew & "');" & _
						"Rename-Item $file.fullname $tempName}"
		End If
		Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
		Set shellExec = shell.Exec(strCommand)
		Do While shellExec.Status = 0
			 Application.Wait (Now() + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
	End Sub